Tag Archives: social media

Vaguebooking & Fakebooking

I love social media. I really do. It has kept me in touch with people that I love for years. But there are days when I wonder why the hell I bother even looking at it at times. There are times I literally yell at the computer screen because of how stupid the posts are.

Vaguebooking and Fakebooking are two of my pet peeves. If you are going to be on social media, be on there to be social and real. I know we can’t be 100% all the time. We’re not in real life either. I mean, here I am with an anonymous blog because there are just some things you don’t post for the world to see. But the thing is that it’s called having a filter. I will say that as I age my filter doesn’t work as well as it did when I was younger. I find myself saying more and more of the truth. So I am definitely not vaguebooking or fakebooking. I just put that shit right out there if I’m feeling ready to.

So some of you may wonder what I am meaning. Here is an example of vaguebooking: “Keep me in your prayers. Some of you know what I mean.” This may look like an innocent request. It’s not. It is a pity party for the world to see. Maybe they do want prayers, but they also want you to rush in with “are you ok,” “is there anything I can do,” “call me if you want to talk,” and so on.

Another one that I see frequently from one friend is “I guess no one cares about me because I don’t get invited anywhere” and stuff like that. We’re in a damned pandemic! Most of us are avoiding each other right now! So why the hell are we inviting each other places? Keep your cooties at home! I go to work, the grocery store and home. That’s about it. I live alone and I rarely see people outside the places listed. I am trying to make it to 2021. Don’t try to manipulate me like that. I don’t appreciate it!

Fakebooking is the we’re so happy and have the best of everything and life couldn’t be better people. They are the imaginary Joneses we have heard that we should be keeping up with. Sorry…I don’t keep up with the Joneses, Smiths, Johnsons, Davises or anyone else. I barely keep up with myself. But these people either want to paint this picture perfect happy couple/family or home or they paint a happy-go-lucky life that we should all want. Sorry! Not buying that shit! Some of those people forget that we know them in real life.

One of the Fakebookers I know just makes me want to shake her and tell her she needs to get her shit together. She took back the man who she told me has hurt her and who hit on me on a dating site. She is married to him. She kicked him out for a while and then took him back. I really care about this woman but she knows he is a piece of shit and he has physically hurt her and yet she took him back. He is a manipulative predator. I know I can’t rescue her, but I wish she’d quit trying to paint this rosy picture because I know damn well it’s not that way.

Why do we have to be so fake? Why can’t we just be ourselves? Either people like us or they don’t. I’m at a point in life where I realized that family won’t always love you, no matter how hard you try. And sometimes you have to tell people to kiss your ass and move on. And then just do the best you can.

We have a finite amount of time on this earth. Be yourself. Enjoy yourself. Stop trying to please others. Stop pretending to be something you’re not. You’re good enough. Just the way you are.

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