Tag Archives: Congress

Why I Don’t Support $15/Hr Minimum Wage

Let me start out by saying that I do support increasing minimum wage. Absolutely! It’s ridiculous that it hasn’t been increased in all this time. BUT I do not support it going to $15 an hour. It’s not that I don’t want people to do well. At all. But I see how it is going to affect a whole lot of people, including myself.

Many people in this country make between $15-20/hour currently. And it took them a long time to get to that level. So if you make the minimum wage $15/hour, do you think the wage of the people who were already making that is going to increase? Think about it. No! It is not going to increase. You are going to have a country that is already filled with disgruntled people even angrier because a high school kid is making the same as them. I say this because I will be one of those pissed off people. Right now I am pissed off about some things at work anyway due to salary. So this will only add insult to injury.

Also, do you realize that EVERYTHING in this country will go up price-wise? Everything! Why? Well, where are they going to get that money to pay those people? You have to have money in order to spend it. Those business CEOs, CFOs and any other C-Level people are not going to take a pay cut in order to pay their peons more. So they will jack up the prices. So my hard earned money that I didn’t get a raise for will now be even less because someone without a degree, without any work experience, with nothing to back up that jump in pay can make as much as me. This is completely illogical, irresponsible and unreasonable.

If you think this big of a leap in the minimum wage is good, you are living in a dream world. I am not a Republican. I am not a true Democrat. And I do vote more Democrat than Republican. But I am a realist. And I see this crippling our economy. I also see it angering a nation that is already at a boiling point that I honestly do not know if we can ever recover from within my lifetime.

I think our leaders need to re-think this and realize this is not going to help our country. What would help our country is providing housing at reasonable costs. Lowering taxes. Not taxing things such as groceries. We have to have those things to survive and some of us are being taxed to death on them. They should look at doing something for the education of health in our country. Why not slap fines on pharmaceutical companies for bleeding us dry for medications that are necessary? Make medications affordable!

But this crazy minimum wage proposal is going to cause more harm than good.

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I thought it was going to be a good day. It was my birthday. It is a day I’ll never forget. I felt as shocked and hurt as the day of the Oklahoma City Bombing. Terrorists. Domestic terrorists. Americans destroying the place I love. WHAT THE FUCK?!

And what gets me is that I watched my social media feeds and saw people I cared about say it wasn’t Trump’s fault. I was in utter disbelief. I have seen people today say that he was the best president ever. I wonder how these people can see what I saw and not see that he caused it? How? He has been provoking violence for four years. And over the last few months he has been calling to action more violence because he didn’t win an election. And yesterday was the pivotal moment of when it came together and the safety and sanctity of our government was in perilous danger.

I watched in horror as these monsters walked through the Capitol as if it were a mall to be treated like shit. That building is a representation of our government. And they tried to destroy it. They essentially held people as hostages because they were hiding in fear of these barbarians and wannabe thugs.

Thankfully the situation was under control after a while. But I kept asking where is the National Guard? Where are the rubber bullets? Where is the tear gas? Where are the reinforcements?

I was amazed at the fortitude of Congress, though. Those people, who had gone through hell, went back in and worked tirelessly until the job was done. Those people finished what was meant to be stopped. I didn’t agree with all of them, obviously. But I am still proud that they went back in there and got shit done.

Now I hope that 45 is held accountable for his role in the deaths and destruction on the Capitol on 1/6/21. I know he has worshippers, but I hope that there are more reasonable people who see the truth. I pray that people see that this man worked hard to get minions to overthrow the government in order for him to remain in charge of our country. I pray that my friends who are so damn blind will begin to see what really happened.

I was raised to believe the US was such a wonderful place. I am devastated over what has happened and I am so afraid my country will never recover. Yesterday was such a piss poor example of how Americans are. If you aren’t from here and are reading this, please know that we aren’t all like that and some of us are so ashamed of that man and that we cannot wait until the day he is out of the White House.

I’m praying for the United States of America. Desperately.

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