Tag Archives: adults

Entitled Adults

I have been dealing with a lot of entitled adults lately. It just irritates me that adults act as if they should be handed things or are above the rules.

An example is work. Most of us are not wealthy and we have to work. Hell, many wealthy have to work in order to stay wealthy. I work in the office at a manufacturing plant. A girl I went to high school came in and got a job. I knew it wasn’t going to work from the get go. I asked HR were they sure and they were like, “Oh yeah!” OK…well she worked one whole day and that was it. THEN she posted on her Facebook wall that she had been looking for a job for two months and couldn’t find anything and could someone please help her! I laughed. No, she couldn’t find anything that she wanted to do. There were two issues with that. HR should have seen she wasn’t qualified for that job and wasn’t going to fit. That was very obvious. She should have stayed in the job until she found another one. If you need a job, you work. It is that simple.

Then another woman I know on Facebook has gone through three different jobs this year. She got a job that was going to be good pay and have insurance. She knew when accepting the job that it was in a call center. She knew. Two days in after being trained and she is posting on Facebook “I need a new job! I can’t do this! If you know of another job, please help me!” We all know your work history and will not help you. You are a liability. Unstable. Unreliable. And lazy as fuck. Why would we help you? I have issue with the fact that this woman has children and she refuses to work basically is providing an unstable home environment for them and then wants to blame everything and everyone for her problems. How about accepting the fact that you quit everything? You’re lazy and irresponsible.

Then one of the managers at work knows the purchasing process. We have to put a PO in before making a purchase with a vendor. This requires a written quote and then the PO. Then when approved the purchase is made. Well he feels because he is a manager that he can do whatever. Well this got some shit stirred yesterday. I am just tired of his cavalier way of dealing with me and his attitude in general so I told them I would handle it. I sent him an email telling him I needed whatever quote he got in order to put the PO in and that going forward he needed to follow protocol. I also explained what protocol was and why. He replied with the quote only. No words. I knew he was mad. I don’t care. Do what you’re supposed to. Can he really say or do anything? No. “Anonymous told me I was supposed to follow the rules when buying stuff and she is a lowly peon.” “Well, maybe she thought you didn’t know the rules and you are supposed to follow the rules. Did you follow them?” “No.” “Well follow them.” Not a damn thing he can do.

My point is that these adults who are supposed to know how to deal with life just flagrantly don’t. They feel they are above things and they don’t need to do certain things. It really pisses me off because they are the exact ones that if others didn’t follow a few rules they would be bitching about it.

I know some rules are meant to be broken and I do break some. But I don’t act like I am not supposed to work. Hell, I work a full time job as well as a part time job. Believe me when I say I work! I don’t say that to feel extra. I actually really enjoy my part time job and am trying to grow it into a small business. But I just don’t like these people who expect sympathy when they had a good job and just felt they were too good for it or were too lazy to work.

I wish life was easy all the time but it isn’t. It’s called adulting. Go to work. Get a check and then do what you want. But if you are capable of working, don’t act like life owes you a free ride. Get your ass to work and shut the fuck up.

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